Our CP! Student Society

The Valiant Defender's Party of WW3
(also known as WW3 Veteran's Ballistics Party, WW3 Veterans of Ballistics Party)

"Supressing Evil, Protecting Freedom, and Giving Voices to those with none."
Suppressis Mali, Aliquam Libertas, et agentes vocem ad eos cum nemo

Video: Supreme Dictator Esther endorses the WW3VBP!

High Command:
The High Command sits at their recreation of Arthur's Round Table, and discuss secretive things, like: "Why did the duck quack on Chat?" and "What did the Elitinati do to South Africa???". They also send agents to secret missions that they never return to. They have a hand in everything that happens in the Forums.

Commander-in-Chief/President Schylar Reed of Gondor
Responsibilities: Head of the Party, performs official CollegePlus! Forums duty of welcoming new members.

Strategic Commander/Vice-President Adam DeKroon
Responsibilities: Succeeds the President at the President's death/inactivity.

King Adam Narya of Narnethia
Responsibilities: Head of Royal Family

Prime Minister/Coordinator gmx0 (Samx) of Neo Samosa
Responsibilities: Coordinate the Ministries

Supreme Dictator Esther Mielke of Idiosyncratic Igloo
Responsibilities: None. And being not funny.

Elite Adviser Joshua Loomis of Erronithia
Responsibilities: Advice.

Royal Family and the Ceremonial Guard:
The Members and Bios of the Royal Family

The Royal Family, symbolized by the Eagle, is the ceremonial and social side of the Party. They hang out in the Palace, always surrounding themselves with important guests and holding their teacups with pinkies sticking out. They handle Skype calls, Forum contests, and other publicities.

Parliament of Ministries and Tactical Command:
The Members and Bios of the Ministers

The Parliament of Ministries, symbolized by the Scorpion, is the bureaucratic and legislative side of the Party.  They are busy typing away at the HeadQuarters, and various Ministry buildings. Sometimes, they get in one place and vote on stuff. They handle propaganda, technologies, newsletter writing, and whatnot.

Justices Supreme and the Advisory Panel:
The Members and Bios of the Justices

The Justices Supreme is the judicial branch of the Party.

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